Tuesday, September 16, 2008

National Climate March 2008 – Saturday December 6th

Join people all around the world to demand action now to prevent future climate changes.

The “Call to Action” for these demonstrations and related events is:

“We demand that world leaders take the urgent and resolute action that is needed to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate, so that the entire world can move as rapidly as possible to a stronger emissions reductions treaty which is both equitable and effective in minimising dangerous climate change.

We demand that the long-industrialised countries that have emitted most greenhouse gases currently in the atmosphere take responsibility for climate change mitigation by immediately reducing their own emissions as well as investing in a clean energy revolution in the developing world. Developed countries must take their fair share of the responsibility to pay for the adaptive measures that have to be taken, especially by low-emitting countries with limited economic resources.
Climate change will hit the poorest first and hardest. All who have the economic means to act, must therefore urgently and decisively do so.”

More details or information about what’s going on in your country can be found at:


Take action - join the demonstartion

Posted by Filippo

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